Never the Same Class Twice
Our Classes
Join us for 30-45 minutes on our Real Ryder bikes for a high-intensity cardio and core training workout. Our bikes lean 19° each way, so you’ll be surprised by the total body workout you get and sweat like you never have before.
Welcome to 60 straight minutes of steady-state cardio with drills of kicks, punches, jump ropes, and more all to keep you in fighting shape. Push through the burn, and you’ll feel terrific afterwards knowing you burned over 500 calories and kicked whatever’s stressing you to the curb.
Core Fit comes under the category of small muscle workouts, training isometrically to make the body appear longer and leaner, with a toned, chiseled appearance. We use small balls, light weights and foam rollers plus bodyweight along with booty-shakin’ tunes to make this class FUN and moving efficiently.
Create more lean body mass and strength, using dumbbells and kettlebells. This class is pure strength and endurance-based, and with dedicated consistency, you’ll see some amazing and gratifying results.
Make your workout fly by with this fun specialty class that uses drumsticks for a strong steady-state cardio session. With an average of 600-800 lunges and squats per class, this workout is always different and choreographed for maximum fun. And sometimes we pour drinks after we Pound!
This class gives you great resistance training without the heavy load that dumbbells can put on your muscles. Bands work your body with less inflammation and chance of injury. This is a great method to tone and define.
This class format flows as it utilizes bands, balls, and body weight to define core muscles and body composition. The emphasis is on balance, core, and definition.
Maximize your workout in this interval-based class that gets the heart rate up to its maximum levels. You’ll increase your stamina and scorch calories, plus increase your metabolism. You’ll grind, you’ll sweat, and you’ll love the results. This class is offered early morning and some evenings, and can include weights, cycle, and any other fun modalities!
Using weighted body bars, this class offers strength, balance improvement, core defining, and toning of the small isometric muscles, as in a traditional barre class.
Unlimited classes, 1 small group training per week, and virtual recordings you can follow along with at home. 6-month contract.
Unlimited classes, small group training, and virtual recordings you can follow along with at home. 6-month contract.
Give Joyfit a try! New clients can enjoy unlimited classes for a reduced price the first month. No contract requried.
Unlimited classes and virtual recordings you can follow along with at home. 6-month contract.
Come sweat your booty off at your leisure. Signup required to reserve a class spot.
No-Show / Cancellation Policy: $20 fee for classes that you pre-registered for. (cancel by 10pm for morning classes and 12pm for evening classes)
All payments can be made in cash or Venmo @Tiffany-turner-67